Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Love in Hopeless Place (Gili Nanggu, Lombok)

merupakan gugusan pulau kecil yang dikelilingi lautan,
Populer di kalangan wisatawan asing, ialah Gili Trawangan
yea, the most popular Gili which is placed in northern side of Lombok,

yup...the most popular!!
you'll find party over the night, sunbathing, and 
the place where you can applied  Liverpudlian's word, 
"you'll never walk alone" 
yup,,slightly calmlessness

I wouldn't talking about Gili Trawangan,
Not at all...
There's another gili which is located in southwestern side of Lombok,
little bit far away from Trawangan.

*gili nanggu in the morning point of view* 

In this place you wouldn't find any other party,
nor applied that "liverpudlian's word"
this is the place where you'll always walk alone *hahaha
yup, like Rihanna said,
"we found love in hopeless place"

*hopeless place in Gili Nanggu* 

It's only about,
ocean sparkling turquoise...
dazzling white sand...
wide variety of sea animals...
the beauty of sunset or sunrise,
and you.

Only you,
yup, you and your mind,
your dreams,
your imagination,
your privacy.

*another beauty sides of Lombok Island*

you've choose your way,
you've move your legs,
you've made your dreams,
you've light your eyes,
it's only about you and yours...
would you...???

Gili Nanggu, Southwestern side of Lombok,
All of this pictures belongs to Made Agus Dwi Priyatna Putra
Taken in the end of 2011
by using Canon 450D, with Tokina 11-16 mm